A celebration of 200 years of the Texas Rangers will be held Friday and Saturday, July 21 and 22 at Lubbock Memorial Civic Center in Lubbock, Texas.
Friday, July 21, from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm, will be community and Rangers/DPS Day. Open to the public and free to attend, you can hear living historians, attend a lecture series, do some shopping and meet the real Texas Rangers. You can also visit with DPS recruiters, troopers, pilots, special agents and Rangers to learn about DPS tech such as the Cyclone, Crisis Negotiation Unit, SUV’s, Drones, Helicopters, Gear and more. This portion of the day is free to attend at Lubbock Memorial Civic Center, 1501 Mac Davis Lane.
Friday evening, July 21, from 6:00 pm to 11:00 pm is Badges, Boots & Bling which is a fundraiser and Texas Ranger Appreciation Gala. Tickets are $150 per person or purchase a table for 10 for $1,500. Attire is western cocktail and the evening will include dinner, live and silent auctions, dancing and live music with the Ray Johnston Band. To learn more or purchase tickets go to www.VisitTexasRanger2023.or/coc.
Saturday, July 22 will feature a Sporting Clays Tournament to be held at Hub City Clays, 1475 County Rd. 1, Lubbock. 4 person teams – 100 birds – prize buckles – Draw guns/prizes, live and silent auction. Ammo included for all shooters. Teams start at $600.