
Thursday, June 29th is the date of the Multi-County Range/Brush program. This program is being conducted by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service.

It will be held at the Adams Street Community Center located at 511 East Baker Brownwood. Registration will begin at 8:30 am and the program at 9:00 am.

Brush encroachment continues to be an expensive problem to deal with. If left unchecked, these pasture invaders reduce grazable acres for livestock and can make areas undesirable for some wildlife. The current drought has not impeded brush encroachment.

Speakers and topics for the June 29th program include:

Dr. Morgan Treadwell – Extension Range Specialist, San Angelo

Mechanical Brush Control

Greg Wilson – Extension Entomologist, San Angelo

Range/Pasture Insect Pest Management

Billy Campbell – Bayer Environmental Science Range & Pasture Specialist

Range/Pasture Herbicides

Scott Nolte – Extension Weed Specialist, College Station

Reducing Pesticide Drift

Scott Anderson – CEA-AG/NR

Pesticide Laws and Regulations

There will be a $50 registration fee payable at the door. A catered meal is included. Pre-registration is required by June 21, 2023.

This program has been approved for 5 CEUs from the Texas Department of Agriculture for TDA licensed pesticide applicators. 1 laws and regulation, 2 integrated pest management, 1 drift minimization, and 1 general. This program is open to anyone interested.

To pre-register or for more information contact the Brown County Extension Office at 325-646-0386.