Brown Co. Commissioners Approve New Rule for On-Site Sewage Facilities


At Monday’s meeting of the Brown County Commissioners Court, approval was given to a new rule pertaining to on-site sewage facilities.

Currently homeowners with on-site sewage facilities are required to get a quarterly inspection from a licensed inspector.  Rita Thompson of the Brown County Permitting Office proposed a new rule that would allow homeowners to perform their own quarterly inspections, upon completion of an approved course provided by the Texas A & M Extension Service.  The new rule passed 3-0 (Commissioners Worley and Shaw absent).  Thompson said the new rule will save money for homeowners, if they are willing to attend the training class and perform their own quarterly inspections.  The self-inspection reports will be required to be filed with the County.

Commissioners also approved funds for repairs to the Brown County Elections Office.  Recent heavy rains overwhelmed clogged gutter downspouts, which run inside the walls of the building, causing flooding inside the building.  Repairs will require the removal and re-installation of vinyl plank flooring.  The Commissioners approved the low bid of $14,880 from RG Pro Floors.

Commissioners approved a resolution authorizing Brown County to apply for grant funding for ALERRT Training.  ALERRT stands for Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training.  Previously the Sheriff’s Department acquired bullet resistant shields, for use in active shooter situations.  Now the Department needs to send Deputies to training for the shields and active shooter events.  With the Commissioners approval, the County will apply for a grant from the Texas Governor’s office that will pay for the training, travel expenses, and payroll during the training.  The Sheriff’s Department will have until December 2024 to complete the training.

Commissioners voted to declare as surplus several County vehicles and equipment.  The items will be listed on