BHS American Sign Language (ASL) students recently submitted videos of themselves signing a children’s book to the ASL Honor Society Literature Competition. The nationwide contest includes submissions from sign language students in high school and college.
“The society awards participation certificates and cash prizes for first, second, and third place in each category,” explained BHS World Languages teacher and ASL Honor Society Sponsor Renee Fraze. “From our local BHS ASL chapter, Deja Martin won third place for the Beginner category!”
Students participating from the local BHS chapter include:
Olivia Gonzales
Jasmine Tucknott
Kaylie Valdez
Caitlyn Schwing
Deja Martin
Zoe Sweetman
Catherine Taylor
Kendall Messman
Brookelynn Wilson
IN THE PHOTO: BHS student Deja Martin won third place in the Beginner category of the American Sign Language Literature Competition.