Early City Council in Session Tuesday Evening


The City of Early City Council will be in session tonight (Tuesday), May 9, at 6:00 pm at Early City Hall. The agenda is below.

A. Call to order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance
B. Consideration of the minutes for regular meeting held on April 11, 2023
C. Citizen’s comments

D. Administer Oath of Office to Elected Official
1. Mayor Bob Mangrum
2. Councilman Travis Eoff
3. Councilman Garry Forisha

E. Proclamations
1. National Tourism Week – May 7-13, 2023
2. National Police Week – May 14-20, 2023
3. National Public Works Week – May 21-27, 2023

F. Matters of New Business
1. Consideration to elect a Council member as Mayor Pro-Tem.
2. Consideration to re-appoint Sandra Garcia to serve as Deputy Municipal Court Clerk for a two-year term ending May 2025.
3. Consideration to re-appoint Lee Haney as Municipal Judge for a two-year term ending May 2025.
4. Consideration for use of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to purchase fire equipment air packs from a sole source supplier.
5. Consideration to award bid for Autumn Drive construction.
6. Consideration to approve an addendum to the Town Center streets contract with Volkert, Inc. revising the scope of work to include the west roadway/parking lot area.
7. Review and consider for approval the City of Early Investment Policy & Strategy as adopted by Ordinance 2021-03 on May 11, 2021.
8. Consideration to approve the disposal or sale of items as salvage or surplus
9. Consideration to approve Resolution 2023-R10, regarding a contract for the purpose of financing a Sideload Sanitation Truck.

G. Executive Session in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 551, Texas Government Code*
1. Section 551.071 – Consult with Attorney
2. Section 551.072 – Real Property
3. Section 551.086 – Economic Development

H. Reconvene into Open Session and consider action, if any, on items discussed
in executive session
1. Consider Resolution 2023-EDR01, on second and final reading, approving Municipal Development funding request from Winston Water Cooler, LTD.
2. Consideration to approve Resolution 2023-EDR03, approving a loan for the purchase of real property.

I. Reports
1. Department Reports – 2nd Quarter Fiscal Year 2022-2023
J. Administrator’s Report
1. Use of ARPA funds for Town Center Sidewalk Project
2. Town Center Public Restrooms project
3. Ambulance Service RFQ
4. Certified Estimate of 2023 Appraisal Roll
K. Announcements
L. Adjourn/Recess