County Election Results – BISD Bond Props All Pass


Saturday night, all three propositions on the ballot in the Brownwood ISD Bond Election passed as more than 1,580 residents cast their vote in each of the elections. The $59,950,000, 20-year bond was broken into three propositions and three, two, one, or none could have been approved by the voters.

“This is a historic moment for the Brownwood ISD,” said Matt Noe, Chairman of the Brownwood Pride PAC. “We are thrilled about the wide-reaching impact this will have on our kids, our schools and our community — both in the near term and over the next 20-plus years. Brownwood is a one-of-kind community and we want to thank everyone who supported this initiative over the past 2 years. Thanks to your votes, encouragement and rallying your friends, family and neighbors, we brightened the future of the kids, teachers and staff in the BISD for many years to come.”

Brownwood ISD Superintendent Dr. Joe Young released the following statement regarding the results of the recent bond election:

“We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Brownwood ISD voters for endorsing the three bond proposals in the May election. The Board of Trustees and I are truly honored by your faith in us and deeply appreciate your dedication to the children of our district. Rest assured, both the Board and I are committed to responsibly managing your resources as we embark on these construction projects. This momentous and unique opportunity for our community is not taken for granted. Once again, thank you for your unwavering trust and backing.”

Proposition A passed 902 votes (56.87%) to 684 votes (43.13%); Proposition B passed 848 votes (53.5%) to 737 votes (46.5%); and Proposition C passed 850 votes (53.59%) to 736 votes (46.41%).

Proposition A, at $27,650,000, features the following district-wide projects:

  • Safety and security upgrades across the district
  • Renovate Snodgrass Facility
  • New field house at high school (locker rooms, weight room, training room, conference room, offices, storage, laundry)
  • Renovate locker rooms at high school
  • Accessible seating in high school gym
  • Renovate middle school locker rooms
  • New gym flooring at all elementary campuses
  • New intermediate school auditorium seats

Proposition B, at $16,300,000, revolves around the following improvements to Gordon Wood Stadium:

  • Home bleacher addition (1,000 seats)
  • ADA/code improvements (Ramp access, aisles and stairs renovated for code compliance, ADA parking)
  • New lights
  • New concessions/restrooms
  • New press box with elevator
  • New turf and track resurface

Proposition C, at $16,000,000, calls for the construction of an indoor student activity center at BHS and additional facility upgrades that will feature:

  • Use by band, baseball, softball, football, soccer, PE, and others
  • 80 yards of turf
  • Training room, dressing rooms, storage, offices
  • Tennis improvements (Remove/replace courts, new scoreboard, new lights, new bleachers, windscreen)
  • Baseball/Softball improvements (renovation of baseball field with new bleachers, dugouts, backstop, canopy over batting cages); New lights for baseball and softball fields

In other Brown County races, Bangs City Council incumbents Gregory Flores and Greggory Cassidy receive 100 votes apiece (42.37%) to claim the two open positions. Carrol Wells received 22 votes (9.32%) and William Patton 14 votes (5.93%).

The Bangs ISD Board of Trustees had two spots to fill and Blu Tidwell led the way with 154 votes (34.6% ), while Heath Boren received 98 votes (20.46% ) to the 97 votes (20.68%) of third place Larry Drury. Scott Ferguson, with 65 votes (13.71%) and Sandy Lehman, with 50 votes (10.55%), were also on the ballot.

The Brookesmith ISDs $1.5 million bond for school improvements failed 90 votes (57.32%) to 67 (42.68%).

Meanwhile, the City of Bangs’ proposition to use sales tax money for street repairs and maintenance was approved 88 votes (69.84%) to 38 votes (30.16%), while the City of Blanket voted against using sales tax money for street repairs and maintenance 28 votes (54.9%) to 23 votes (45.1%).



All Brown County May 6 General Election Results

BISD Bond Proposition A, at $27,650,000 (Security, Locker Room updates, etc)

FOR: 56.87% – 902

AGAINST: 43.13% – 684


BISD BOND Proposition B, at $16,300,000 (Gordon Wood Stadium)

FOR: 53.5% – 848

AGAINST: 46.5% – 737


BISD Bond Proposition C, at $16,000,000 (Indoor Facility, Baseball/Softball)

FOR: 53.59% – 850

AGAINST: 46.41% – 736


Brookesmith ISD Bond

AGAINST: 57.32% – 90

FOR: 42.68% – 67


Bangs City Council (Two spots open)

Gregory Flores: 42.37% – 100

Greggory Cassidy: 42.37% – 100

Carrol Wells: 9.32% – 22

William Patton: 5.93% – 14


Bangs ISD Board of Trustees (Two spots open)

Blu Tidwell: 34.6% – 154

Heath Boren: 20.46% – 98

Larry Drury: 20.68% – 97

Scott Ferguson: 13.71% – 65

Sandy Lehman: 10.55% – 50


City of Bangs Proposition To Use Sales Tax Money for Street Repair, Maintenance

FOR: 69.84% – 88

AGAINST: 30.16% – 38


City of Blanket Proposition To Use Sales Tax Money for Street Repair, Maintenance

AGAINST: 54.9% – 28

FOR: 45.1% – 23