Final Early Vote Count – Polling Places for Saturday


Early Voting ended Tuesday, May 2, at 7:00 pm.  The total number of votes cast in all the various elections in Brown County yesterday was 376.  That is an overall total of 1,348 early votes.

Election Day is this Saturday, May 6, when the polls will be open from 7:00 am until 8:00 pm.

Voting locations around the county are as follows:

Bangs Community Center, 406 Spencer Street, in Bangs

Rocky Creek Baptist Church, Highway 279 and County Road 557

First United Methodist Church, 517 Main, in Blanket

Brownwood ISD Administration Office, 2707 Southside Drive, in Brownwood

Brookesmith ISD in Brookesmith

Brown County Elections Office, 613 N. Fisk, in Brownwood

Elections are being held in Brownwood ISD (bond election), Brookesmith ISD (bond election) Bangs ISD, City of Bangs and City of Blanket.