CASA in the Heart of Texas welcomes Stacy Reitz back as an Advocate Coordinator. Reitz, a Brownwood native, is excited to be back working with CASA and its volunteer Advocates. CASA is a nonprofit organization that recruits, trains, and supports community volunteers to advocate for children in the foster care system and their families. Stacy Reitz said, “I know the difference a CASA volunteer can make in the life of a child in foster care, and I look forward to coaching and guiding volunteers as they provide this critical advocacy work.” Reitz has a heart for children and brings a wide variety of skills and experience to the CASA team.
Volunteer Advocates with CASA in the Heart of Texas are specially trained and appointed by judges to advocate for a child or sibling group while they are in the foster care system. Volunteers advocate for the child in court, school, and other settings; and get to know everyone involved in the child’s life, including their parents, foster parents, teachers, doctors, family members and others. CASA volunteers are steadfast, consistent presences for the children they serve, making sure the children are safe and have the resources and connections necessary to grow and thrive.
CASA in the Heart of Texas serves children from Brown, Comanche, and Mills counties. It is their goal to provide a volunteer Advocate for every child that needs one. In order to make that a reality, CASA needs more community members to step up and serve as Advocates. Interested in learning more? Contact CASA in the Heart of Texas at (325)643-2557 or visit www.casabrownwood.org.