City of Early to Host Smart City Expo April 27th


Have you ever wondered how water bills are calculator or maybe how one trash truck is able to
collect everyone’s trash in one week? Do you ever get curious of what the inside of a firetruck
looks like or maybe even an air evac helicopter?  Well, all of that curiosity can be answered in
just one event on Thursday April 27, 2023.

The City of Early has the belief as an organization that we should not just be a great city, but we
should also be a “Smart City.” It’s not all about technology, it’s about thinking smart too. A
Smart City runs efficiently and effectively. They formulate smart solutions to problems that
reduce cost while improving the end results and accomplish the desired outcome. To show off
our “smarts” the City of Early is hosting its 4th annual Smart City Expo. This event is a family
friendly, fun way to see how your city works smart to meet your needs and expectations. It will
also provide you the opportunity to meet and interact with the smart people that keep our city
running smoothly and efficiently. You can meet Mayor Robert Mangrum, and our council
members, but you will also have an opportunity to meet the men and women who work hard day
to day to make the City of Early great to live, work, play, shop, dine and live a high quality of
life. As an added bonus, many of our community partners who often work behind the scenes to
support this high quality of life will also be there.

The concept of an Expo is simple and fun. Departments from around the city and our
community partners will have a booth set up around the track at McDonald Park, which is
located at 101 Park St. in Early, Texas. These booths will have information about the
departments, equipment, and technology they use to accomplish their work, and a lot of cool
vehicles like fire trucks, police cars, excavation equipment and other awesome things. Kids and
adult who still act like kids can sit in, touch, the vehicles and equipment, and interact with the
equipment operators.

Do you have questions about city finances? We will have answers. Questions about how your
water bill is calculated? We can answer that too. This is a way to become more acquainted with
your city and have fun doing it. Who knows what you may see, learn, or experience at this Expo.