The Pecan Valley Republican Women cordially extends an invitation to members of the community to attend their upcoming monthly meeting Tuesday, April 18, 2023 6:00 pm at the Brownwood Country Club.
According to a news release from the Pecan Valley Republican Women:
“The guest speaker is Deborah Blackall, conservative political activist, who has a passion to fight for the people of Texas against the ever-growing property taxes.
Deborah will discuss why property owners should protest their taxes, how to confirm accuracy, what to expect and the arbitration process.
Besides being a Conservative Political Activist, she is also an Architect/Engineer/Contractor, member of the Texas State Militia and a Brown County Property Owner.
Deborah has successfully won property protests in four Texas counties as well as her recent protest and arbitration with Brown County.
PLEASE RSVP TO REBECCA, 325-998-3880 ASAP to ensure enough food is prepared by the Country Club Buffet.
Come and bring other property owners that are concerned about their taxes.”