The Howard Payne University Women’s Club has announced Brandi (Maguire) Parrish ’96 as the keynote speaker at its annual Yellow Rose Scholarship Luncheon on Thursday, April 20. The event will be held in the Beadel Dining Hall of HPU’s Mabee University Center. Recipients of the Yellow Rose Award and Yellow Rose Scholarship will be recognized at the luncheon, which is sponsored by alumni, area businesses and friends of HPU.
Parrish and her husband, Kelly ’97, live in Kilgore and have four children: Zachary, Noah, Joshua and AnnaFaith. The Parrishes returned to Texas last year after serving as church planters in Colorado with the North American Mission Board. They planted four churches while serving there and recently launched Pursuit Church in Kilgore. She is passionate about planting the gospel, living in authentic relationship and serving teenagers. She teaches high school English and leads the student ministry at Pursuit Church. During her time at HPU, God gave her a passion for outreach and service, which is foundational for her life in ministry.
Melinda Hines, HPU’s first lady and president of the Women’s Club, looks forward to hosting the luncheon every year.
“This event is such a blessing every year,” said Hines. “We get to honor and hear from incredible women of God while fellowshipping with friends. It’s always a special occasion.”
At the luncheon, Brownwood’s Dr. Mitzi Lehrer will be honored as the recipient of the Yellow Rose Award and HPU students Mariah Garcia and Cara Juergens will be recognized as recipients of the Yellow Rose Scholarship. Garcia is a junior from Aubrey, majoring in Guy D. Newman Honors Academy and chemistry. Juergens is a sophomore from Deer Park, majoring in kinesiology with all-level certification. Each recognition is given to a woman who embodies HPU’s foundational values and beliefs. The event gives women from the community and friends of HPU the chance to acknowledge these women and to contribute to the Yellow Rose Scholarship Endowment.
HPU sophomore Cara Juergens (right) has been named a recipient of the Yellow Rose Scholarship. She is pictured with Melinda Hines, HPU’s first lady and president of the HPU Women’s Club.
HPU junior Mariah Garcia (right) has been named a recipient of the Yellow Rose Scholarship. She is pictured with Melinda Hines, HPU’s first lady and president of the HPU Women’s Club.
The luncheon is held each year thanks to the support of numerous sponsors. This year’s Diamond level sponsor is Texas Goldstar Real Estate. Gold level sponsors are Bangs Flower and Gift Shop; Ms. Debbie Cartwright and Mrs. Valeri Deason; Dr. Sarah Chandler and Mrs. Emily Fuller; Mrs. Wendy Grooms; Mr. Neal and Mrs. Sharon Guthrie; Dr. Cory and Mrs. Melinda Hines; Mr. Woody and Mrs. Miki Martin; Mr. Ben and Mrs. Bertha Mieth; and Mrs. Cindy Robnett. Blue level sponsors are Ann Jones Real Estate; Mrs. Emily Attaway and Mrs. Jane Rodgers; Mrs. Bobbette Bell; Mrs. Elisha Bird and Mrs. Jennifer Broughton; Chick-fil-A of Brownwood; Citizens National Bank; Mrs. Kaye Cummings and Mrs. Nelda Carpenter; Hendrick Medical Center, Brownwood; Mrs. Joy Ivy; Mr. Bart and Mrs. Debra Johnson; Dr. Ben and Mrs. Ashley Martin; Mrs. Leesa Stephens; TexasBank; Mr. Paul and Mrs. Lynda Waldrop; W.A.Y. Summit; Dr. Julie Welker and Mrs. Betty Broome; and Willie’s T’s and HPU Stinger Store.
All table sponsorships directly fund the Yellow Rose Scholarship Endowment, which will benefit female students for years to come. Individuals interested in attending the event can purchase tickets for $40 per person. A limited quantity of tickets are available at www.hputx.edu/yellowrose or by calling the Office of Advancement at 325-649-8007. The popular event will have limited seating and those interested in attending are encouraged to reserve a seat as early as possible.