The Good Samaritan Ministries Empty Bowl Project – in its 14th year – will take place from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday, March 23 at the Brownwood Coliseum.
The Empty Bowls Project is the largest fundraiser of the year for Good Samaritan Ministries with 90% of the proceeds staying in Brown County to benefit local hunger ministries such as the Food Pantry, Food for Thought, Homebound Program, Homeless Boxes, the Deer Project, the Pig Project and the Mobile Food Pantry. The remaining 10% this year will be donated to Food for the Hungry.
For a $15 donation, ticket holders will be treated to a larger meal than in years past.
“Your admission ticket is for your bowl, but we’re also treating everyone to an expanded lunch menu,” said GSM Executive Director Leesa Stephens said. “We are working with the Heart of Texas Camp and Retreat, the 4-H Center, Brownwood Country Club and United Supermarket to provide for your $15 two bowls of soup, you can have dessert from any of the tables and have a bread from any of the tables. We’re going to have everything from rolls to cornbread muffins and desserts will be everything from cobbler to cookies and brownies.”
There is also a larger selection of bowls this year, according to Stephens.
For more information contact Leesa Stephens at 325-643-2273 or visit www.goodsambwd.org.
(photo courtesy Brownwoodnews.com)