City of Early City Council to Meet Tuesday Evening


The City of Early City Council will meet Tuesday, March 14, at 6:00 pm at Early City Hall, 960 Early Blvd. The agenda is below.

A. Call to order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance
B. Consideration of the minutes for regular meeting held on February 14, 2023
and special meeting held on February 22, 2023
C. Citizen’s comments

D. Special Recognition
1. Early Chamber of Commerce presentation of Business of the Month.

E. Public Hearing
1. Consider continuation of the variance granted to City Ordinance Code Chapter 23, Section
2- 2, to place a firework stand to sell fireworks at 710 Garmon Drive.
2. Consideration to approve Ordinance 2023-04, to change the zoning designation from SF to GR for approximately 3.16 acres of Jacob Duckworth, Survey 56, Abstract 240, known as 720 Longhorn Drive.

F. Matters of New Business
1. Consider adopting an Ordinance, 2023-05, cancelling the General Election for May 6, 2023 and declaring the unopposed candidates elected.
2. Consider accepting 2023 Telecommunication Right-of Way Access Line rates as provided by Public Utility Commission.
3. Consideration to approve Resolution 2023-R07, supporting the Opioid Settlement Agreement.
4. Consideration to approve the purchase of a replacement patrol unit for Early Police Department.
5. Discussion and consideration of establishing new bank accounts for the Series 2023 Certificate of Obligation funds.
6. Discuss investment account options for Series 2023 Certificates of Obligation funds.

G. Executive Session in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 551, Texas Government Code*
H. Reconvene into Open Session and consider action, if any, on items discussed in executive session

I. Administrator’s Report
J. Announcements
1. Dedication ceremony for the Pavilion at McDonald Park
K. Adjourn/Recess