Girl Scouts Troop 5050 dropped by the KOXE studios Thursday morning to announce to start of annual Girl Scouts Cookie sales.
Cookies will be available for purchase at $5 per box – $6 per box for gluten-free options – on Saturdays at Walmart, United Supermarket, Weakley-Watson Hardware and Petsense. Cookies may also be purchased from Girl Scouts.
New to the cookie lineup this year is the Raspberry Rally, which can only be purchased online through the Girl Scouts website, www.girlscouts.org.
Traditional cookie flavors, which can be purchased at any time from Girl Scouts, include Adventurefuls, Caramel Chocolate Chip, Caramel deLites (Samoas), Do-si-sos (Peanut Butter Sandwich), Girl Scout S’mores, Lemonades, Lemon-Ups, Peanut Butter Patties (Tagalongs), Thin Mints, Toast-Yay, Toffee-Tastic, and Trefoils.
A portion of the proceeds from Troop 5050 cookie sales will go toward buy supplies for the Corinne T. Smith Animal Shelter, and another portion of the money will go toward funding the troop’s trip to SeaWorld.