Coca-Cola Southwest Beverages (CCSWB), a company of Arca Continental, continues to affirm its commitment to sustainability and access to recycling by launching the Texas Recycles Day Grant, in partnership with Keep Texas Beautiful and Keep Texas Recycling.
To commemorate Texas Recycles Day on November 15, CCSWB is awarding up to $15,000 in grants for improving recycling access and recycling programs execution across the state. Keep Texas Beautiful affiliates and Keep Texas Recycling members were invited to submit a proposal for monetary assistance to help strengthen their existing recycling programs.
CCSWB is happy to celebrate the winners of the 2022 Texas Recycles Day grants:
● Alpine
● Brownwood
● Fort Clark Springs
● Midland
● San Marcos
● White Settlement
When PET is recycled, it can be broken down, cleaned, and reground into small flakes used to make new PET bottles that can then be recycled over and over again. The process of making PET bottles with recycled PET material requires less energy and emits fewer GHGs than creating a new bottle using virgin, petroleum-based sources, as well as keeping these materials out of the landfill.
Over the last two years, CCSWB has proactively invested in supporting recycling access, as well as innovation to design more resource-efficient packaging. This has allowed CCSWB to step up use of recycled PET content in its bottles – increasing from 1.9% in 2019 to 25% in 2020 and 50% from 2021 onward.
“We are thankful for Coca-Cola Southwest Beverages who support our efforts to promote recycling in communities around Texas,” says Suzanne Kho, Executive Director of Keep Texas Beautiful. “Through our Keep Texas Recycling program, we work to support recycling in rural communities like those represented by the Texas Recycle Day Grant winners. We’re excited to see the impact these projects will have in expanding recycling in their communities.”
Dallas-based Coca-Cola Southwest Beverages (CCSWB), a company of Arca Continental, is one of the largest Coca-Cola bottlers in the United States. CCSWB produces, markets and distributes Coca-Cola brands throughout Texas and parts of New Mexico, Oklahoma and Arkansas. The company employs more than 8,000 associates who operate seven production plants and 37 distribution facilities, serving more than 31 million consumers.
Headquartered in Monterrey, Mexico, Arca Continental is one of the largest Coca-Cola bottlers in the world with an outstanding history spanning more than 91 years. Within its Coca-Cola franchise, Arca Continental serves a population of more than 118 million in the northern and western parts of Mexico, as well as the northern region of Argentina, Ecuador, Peru and the Southwestern United States. Arca Continental also produces and markets snacks under the brand names Wise in the United States, Bokados in Mexico and Inalecsa in Ecuador.
For more information, visit www.cocacolaswb.com and www.arcacontal.com, and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
About Keep Texas Beautiful
Keep Texas Beautiful (KTB) is a non-profit organization dedicated to making Texas the best place to live, work, and play by deploying resources for community improvement projects, clean-ups, and youth engagement efforts across the state. Through our Keep Texas Recycling program, we provide assistance and education to support recycling in rural and underserved communities.
Everything we do is focused on mobilizing volunteers to take action by providing them with tools, resources, and training. Our fieldwork includes research on best practices for litter reduction along with the development of community programs to prevent the flow of litter to the Gulf.
Founded in 1967, Keep Texas Beautiful’s work is driven by its network of nearly 300 affiliate member communities, volunteers, and supporters that reach 17 million Texans annually.
For more information and to find your closest affiliate, visit www.ktb.org. Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram.