The Bereaved Parents Support Group offers support through the holiday season by placing three lovely 7.5 ft. Christmas Trees inside Heartland Mall, in Early Texas. They placed and decorated them on November 15th. Family members gathered to hang their angel ornaments to remain there throughout the holiday season until December 26th.
On Sunday, December 11th, at 6:30 P.M. they will gather around the trees to host the Annual Candlelight Memorial Service and Compassionate Friends Annual Wave of Light from 7-8 pm. It will also be on Facebook Live from 6:30– 8:00, for those who cannot attend.
It is a comforting evening to honor all who have died with poems and songs, the lighting of the four candles along with reciting angel’s names and lighting candles to remember them. Everything will be provided.
For information: LaFreda 998-1567.