HPU chancellor Dr. Don Newbury to sign books at Stinger Spectacular this weekend


Dr. Don Newbury, Howard Payne University chancellor, will sign copies of his new biography this Friday and Saturday, October 14-15, as part of the university’s Stinger Spectacular. The book, titled Faith, Fervor and Fun: The Life and Legacy of Dr. Don Newbury, Howard Payne University’s Popcorn President, was commissioned by friends of Dr. Newbury and written by Loretta Fulton, award-winning journalist and author.

Dr. Newbury will sign books in the lobby of HPU’s Mabee University Center at the conclusion of Friday’s Alumni Banquet, approximately 7:00 p.m., and again after Saturday’s Stinger Spectacular Parade, approximately 10:45 a.m.

Copies of the book are available for $20 each at HPU’s Stinger Store in the Mabee University Center and may be purchased throughout the weekend’s activities. Books may also be purchased online at www.hputx.edu/stingerstore (found under that webpage’s “Gifts/Souvenirs” tab) and shipped.

The recently published book features a wide range of stories and photos from Dr. Newbury’s life and career, as well as a foreword by Dr. Lanny Hall, former HPU president. The book’s subtitle refers to Dr. Newbury’s penchant for serving popcorn to students, university personnel and other visitors to his home and university events. A 1961 graduate of HPU, he served as president of the university from 1985 to 1997. He is a widely published writer and popular speaker.

“We are proud to have Dr. Don Newbury as part of the Stinger Spectacular weekend to sign his latest book,” said Dr. Dale Meinecke ’98, vice president for development. “As a 1961 alumnus, former HPU president and current chancellor, it is fitting for him to be a part of a weekend that welcomes home alumni and friends of the university.”

Stinger Spectacular will include HPU’s Homecoming, Yellow Jacket Preview and Family Weekend, with many activities open to the public. Visit www.hputx.edu/spectacular to view a full schedule of events.