The SW Graduate School of Banking, Southern Methodist University (SWGSB-SMU), held its 2022 commencement on June 9th for Class 62, the 62nd class to fulfill the requirements of this graduate program renowned for its dynamic faculty, challenging curriculum, and exceptional student body from throughout the world.
Daniel Hutson and Topher Empson, lenders in the Institutional Division of TexasBank were among the graduates. “We are proud to have Daniel and Topher complete the prestigious SWGSB program stated Greg Dodds, Chief Lending Officer and Central Texas Region President for TexasBank. In fact, not only did they complete it but each of them finished with multiple honors. We look forward to them utilizing the knowledge gained from the program as well as the network of graduates to continue to contribute toward TexasBank’s growth and success.”
In making this announcement, the President and CEO of the SWGSB Foundation Jeffrey R. Schmid said:
“Through the ‘SWGSB Leadership Experience,’ the SW Graduate School of Banking provides its participants with the ‘big picture’ of banking. It gives them a true appreciation of the role they and others play in reaching the goals of the organization. This unique perspective not only advances their careers but also transforms the face of banking, especially as new challenges are overcome, and new technological breakthroughs take shape. SWGSB is a powerful resource for the industry, augmenting financial institutions’ own efforts to build executive teams capable of managing and growing consumer wealth. The members of Class 62 – now equipped with this knowledge and the highest ethical standards – leave us fully prepared to lead their institutions, champion the strategies they have learned, and contribute meaningfully to their communities.”
The 2022 graduates represent more than 60 financial institutions in 7 states. They each have been nominated by a senior executive officer either in a financial institution or a federal or state regulatory agency. All have been vetted and accepted by our admissions committee. Most hold a senior level post in their organization; many are on a fast track within their management ranks. They have a fundamental knowledge—through education or experience—of bank operations, credit administration, accounting, financial statement analysis, and economics. These banking professionals also come to SWGSB with many past accomplishments and enthusiastic recommendations from their institutions’ leadership.
Established in 1957 – and celebrating its 65th anniversary this year – the SW Graduate School of Banking at the SMU Cox School of Business has become one of the top banking educational institutions today. It is a professional school for bank officers, regulators, and others holding management positions in the financial services industry. SWGSB-SMU meets two weeks annually over three years, bringing into focus and augmenting these managers’ on-the-job experience. Emphasis is placed on financial management, leadership development, and strategic planning.
At the forefront of disseminating information about the latest bank technology, the SWGSB educational experience also includes a new interactive website (www.swgsb.org) and an online bank simulation program called BankCEO. The SWGSB Foundation also conducts the prestigious Assemblies for Bank Directors, a series of annual seminars and workshops held throughout the United States, Canada and offshore for bank board members and senior officers. It partners with the American Bankers Association to conduct the ABA’s Foundational Commercial Lending School and Advanced Commercial Lending School. With the Independent Bankers Association of Texas, it conducts the Bank Operations Institute and the Certified Community Bank Director’s Program. SWGSB and SWGSB Foundation are headquartered at the James M. Collins Executive Education Center at Southern Methodist University’s Cox School of Business.
The top-ranked Cox School of Business offers a joint SWGSB-MBA program in which graduates of SWGSB who are accepted into the prestigious Cox MBA program earn up to six hours of credit towards a Cox MBA. No other graduate school of banking carries this endorsement from its host university. SWGSB has also formed MBA alliances with Sam Houston State University College of Business Administration and Indiana University Kelley School of Business. SMU ranks in the top 20 percent of the best national universities (U.S. News & World Report).
One of the graduates from TexasBank is Daniel Hutson, Senior Vice President Institutional Division. Daniel graduated from Howard Payne University in 2008 and began his banking career quickly after at a local institution. He then went to work for the West Central Texas Council of Governments from 2010-2015 before beginning with TexasBank. In his current role, Daniel works to expand his relationships with the existing portfolio of clients he has established, as well as generate new lending opportunities across the increasing communities TexasBank serves.
“SWGSB was a wonderful program that provided our class with a variety of experiences and knowledge that I am certain will prove useful in the years to come, said Hutson. Additionally, the program allows us to network with bankers across the country that have become great friends.” Hutson added, “TexasBank has been a wonderful place to work and continues to support both me and the entire staff. Allowing our employees to learn and train allows us the opportunity to understand how better to serve our customers and communities.”
Daniel is married to local artist Emily, and they have two young children. He serves as the current President for the Brownwood Municipal Development Board of Directors, the Treasurer for Latch Key as well as on the Government Relations Counsel for the Texas Bankers Association.
Topher Empson also graduated SWIGSB and began his journey with TexasBank as Vice President Institutional Division in May 2022. A graduate of Texas Tech University, Empson began his banking career in Fort Worth and most recently spent the last six years in banking as commercial lender in Lubbok, Texas.
Empson says he “is thrilled to have joined TexasBank because it is focused on growth and committed to the communities we serve. It is clear everyone who works at TexasBank has one common goal and always has the customer’s best interest in mind. He added, “growing up just an hour east of Brownwood, it is a town that I was already familiar with. In the short time I have lived in Brownwood the people have been great and welcomed me with open arms. I am looking forward to meeting more people within the community.”
TexasBank is a full-service community bank that is chartered locally here in Brownwood. It operates out of 14 locations throughout West and Central Texas including Brown, Comanche, Erath and Eastland counties and the cities of Austin, Dallas, El Paso, Fort Worth and Weatherford. Member FDIC.