Twenty Year Sentence in Case of Attempted Kidnapping in Early


District Attorney Micheal Murray reported that on Wednesday, August 10, 2022, Ronnie Jackson was sentenced to a maximum prison sentence by Judge Sam Moss for the offense of Attempted Aggravated Kidnapping. Jackson was on trial for an attempted kidnapping of a four­-year-old girl from Hobby Lobby in 2020.

First Assistant District Attorney, Elisha Bird, and Assistant District Attorney Alex Hunn, presented evidence of Jackson’s history of indecent exposures over the course of twenty years. Five different women testified about the inappropriate actions of Jackson in stores throughout Texas. Jackson’s actions targeted women and frequently focused on mothers with young girls.

“Lieutenant Steven Means, of the Early Police Department, conducted a thorough investigation and located women that had been victimized by Jackson as early as 2000. Bird, Hunn and Means worked diligently to bring these women to the courtroom to provide them with justice and closure.”

Because Jackson failed to complete the kidnapping in 2020, and had no prior felony convictions, the maximum sentence was twenty years’ incarceration. However, Jackson will be required to register as a sex offender for an additional ten years after his incarceration is completed.

When making a recommendation to the Court on sentencing, First Assistant Bird lamented that the law did not allow the Court to impose a longer sentence on Jackson. Judge Moss concluded that the best way to protect the community was to impose the maximum possible sentence of incarceration.