The City of Brownwood City Council will convene at 9:00 am on Tuesday, August 9, at City Hall, 501 Center Avenue to address the following agenda items.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Invocation
4. Items to be withdrawn
5. Introductions, Announcements, and Recognitions
6. Citizen Presentations
Any citizen who desires to address the City Council on a matter not included on the agenda may do so at this time. The City Council may not deliberate on items presented under this agenda item. To comply with the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, the Council respectfully requests that prior to addressing Council that each person submit a citizen presentation form that is located at the entryway to the Council Chambers, stating your name, address, and topic of presentation. All presentations are subject to a five (5) minute time limit.
7. Approval of Minutes
A. Special Called Meeting, July 20, 2022
B. Cancelled Meeting – July 21, 2022
C. Regular Called Meeting, July 26, 2022
8. Claims and Accounts
9. Public Hearing
A. Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance on first reading regarding amendments to the City’s zoning ordinance, Chapter 98 of the Code of Ordinances, regarding the placement of Wireless Telecommunication Facilities, including Towers.
10. Agreements and Contracts
A. Consider approval of a 5-year (60 month) operating lease with SpectrumVoIP, Inc. for hosted VoIP services and Yealink Phone System.
B. Consider authorizing the Mayor to sign the updated Brown County Emergency Operations Plan.
C. Consider authorizing the City Manager to sign a service agreement with UniFirst to provide uniforms for City employees.
D. Consider awarding an engineering contract to Enprotec / Hibbs & Todd, Inc. (eHT) for the 2021 American Rescue Plan Grant TX0225.
E. Consider authorizing the City Manager to sign an agreement with Justice Benefits Inc. (JBI) to investigate Federal Reimbursement Program funds.
11. Executive Session:
The City Council may convene into a closed executive session in the Haynes Conference Room, pursuant to the provisions of the Open Meetings Law, Chapter 551, Government Code Vernon’s Annotated, in accordance with the authority contained in the following section:
Section 551.074 – Personnel Matters
A. City Manager’s annual evaluation
12. Action as a result of the Executive Session
13. Adjournment
For listening purposes only, you may dial into the meeting with the following number:
+1 346 248 7799 Meeting ID: 868 6118 2677 Passcode: 517955