Commercial truck size, weight limits temporarily suspended


Vehicle size and weight requirements are suspended for operators of commercial vehicles to travel in and through the Lone Star State to provide disaster assistance in Texas.

The requirements were first lifted March 18 when a disaster declaration was issued and amended in July due to the drought.

“Farmers and ranchers are hauling hay, feed, water and other resources. With the requirements lifted, more product can be added to each trip, which helps save on fuel and time,” Tracy Tomascik, Texas Farm Bureau associate director of Commodity and Regulatory Activities, said.

The oversize and overweight permitting requirements under Transportation Code Chapters 621 through 623, as well as Title 43, Chapter 219 of the Texas Administrative Code, are for all divisible and non-divisible vehicles and loads.

Examples of disaster assistance include, but are not limited to, vehicles engaged in the transportation of relief workers, food, hay, water, clothing, equipment, medical supplies, materials, fuel, shelter and other supplies to the disaster areas, as well as vehicles used to restore utilities and to remove debris from the disaster areas listed in the disaster declaration.

“The drought across Texas has become more severe, forcing ranchers to find feed and hay outside their area,” Tomascik said. “These conditions have become very difficult to endure, so we want farmers and ranchers to know every way they can reduce expenses and hopefully prevent as much herd reduction as possible.”

The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles requires that operators of commercial vehicles keep a copy of the notice (available here) and a copy of the governor’s disaster declaration (available here).

The suspension remains in effect until terminated by the governor or until the disaster declaration expires.

More details on the disaster declaration for vehicle size and weight requirements are available from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles at