City of Early City Council to Meet Tuesday


The City of Early City Council will meet Tuesday, July 12, at 6:00 pm at City Hall, 960 Early Blvd. The agenda is below.

A. Call to order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance
B. Consideration of the minutes for regular meeting held on June 14, 2022
C. Citizen’s comments

D. Matters of New Business
1. Consideration to approve Ordinance 2022-06 authorizing a Franchise Agreement with Atmos Energy Corporation.
2. Consideration to approve Ordinance 2022-07 authorizing a Franchise Agreement with Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC.
3. Discuss and Consider to approve Ordinance 2022-08, amending Unified Development Code, Chapter 23, Articles 3 relating to parking requirements for Trailer Sales and Rentals.
4. Consideration to approve Resolution 2022-R08, authorizing a 380 Agreement between City of Early and Sunrise Property Group, LLC regarding the Longhorn Subdivision development project.
5. Consideration to award bid for Autumn Drive construction.
6. Consider approval to solicit for bids for the construction of the Early Town Center Pond project.
7. Discuss Economic Development Assistance Grant eligibility for Town Center Project.
8. Consider approval of authorization for EMDD to purchase approximately 1.31 acres on Parkway Drive.
9. Consider appointment of a board member for a vacancy on the Municipal Development District Board.
10. Consider nominees for TML Health Benefits Pool, Region 6, 2022, Board of Trustee Election.
11. Discuss Bank Depository contract, current term ending September 30, 2022.
12. Progress update regarding the Crescent neighborhood Sewer line rehab and TWDB project funds.

E. Executive Session in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 551, Texas
Government Code*
F. Reconvene into Open Session and consider action, if any, on items discussed in
Executive Session

G. Administrator’s Report
1. City of Blanket Sanitation Contract

H. Budget Workshop
1. Revenue Projections
2. Projected Fund balances
3. General Fund Expenditures
I. Announcements

J. Adjourn/Recess