If you love colors, Christine Brisley has some to share. Her exhibit, “For the Love of Color,” will be at the Brownwood Art Center, 215 Fisk, from July 7 through July 30.
The opening reception is Thur. July 7, from 5-8 pm at the Art Center. The public is invited to attend and admission is free.
A relative newcomer to Brownwood, Christine has already painted public spaces around town, including restoration of the Camp Bowie P.O.W. mural at the Brown County Museum of History, a mural at the Camp Bowie Memorial Park, and the exterior wall of the Art Center on Lee St., which is still in progress. Christine is on the Board of Directors of the Brownwood Art Association, and was recently voted B.A.A. Artist of the Year.
Paintings in the upcoming exhibit will include landscapes, still life, and portraits, some in series. “If I paint one canvas, instead of painting more layers over it, I jot down another idea, then I do three, or four, or five, or six paintings. I work in series, three plus, to get the idea out, instead of painting over and over again on the same canvas until I feel I’ve got it right.”
Christine’s paintings also reflect a colorful life, traveling all over the world, and all over the U.S. Guided by her intuition, and trusting in spontaneity, her adventures have included making, showing, and selling her art since she was 15, in her native England, Singapore, and Cyprus. In North America, she has lived and traveled up and down the west coast and into Canada, and throughout the desert southwest, before settling in Texas.
“I paint what I’m surrounded by. Now, living in Oak Park, I ‘m painting a lot of trees.” With her warm smile, halo of white hair, and charming English accent, Christine is easy to talk to, and gladly offers advice and encouragement to fellow artists. She stays busy, and will be doing a show at the Lyric Theatre in Brownwood in August. She explains: “I’ll be onstage, painting to ethereal music. The music will be grand piano and synthesizer by Mac Bynum of Austin. The paintings will be auctioned for charity.”
The Art Center gallery is open weekdays from 2-6 pm. For more information about the B.A.A. visit www.brownwoodart.net or call 641-2916.
For more information about Christine and her art, visit www.cbrisleyart.faso.com.