Brown County Commissioners will meet this morning, Monday, at 9:00 am in the county courthouse. The agenda is below.
1. Declare a Quorum and Call Meeting to Order
2. Prayer- Mr. Bryan Allen
3. Recognition of Special Guests and Presentations –
4. Citizen Comments (All speakers will be required to adhere to the rules of procedure, conduct and decorum adopted by the Court on August 12, 2019. Any disruptive, abusive, obscene, or disrespectful behavior will be terminated immediately.) All Presentations are subject to a five (5) minute time limit. Multiple person groups will be limited to one speaker.
5. Consideration and approval of the agenda minutes from the previous meeting (s). 05/23/22 & 06/06/2022
6. Consideration and approval of any Treasurer’s/Auditor’s Report.
7. Consideration and approval of all appropriate action regarding the following:
A. Honorable Joel Kelton, Commissioner Pct. 2 – Consideration and possible approval of action regarding burn ban
B. Lisa Dick, Administrator – Brownwood/Brown County Health Department – Update on COVID 19 response and County health initiatives. (Pct.2)
C. Amanda Bundick, County Court at Law Court Coordinator- Consideration and possible approval to sale copy machine that is inoperable surplus on GovDeals.com. (CJ)
D. Honorable Gary Worley, Commissioner Pct. 1- Consideration and possible approval of action regarding Section 130.908 of the Texas Local Government Code.
E. Honorable Gary Worley, Commissioner Pct. 1- Consideration and possible approval of action regarding adopting an order to regulate the use of certain fireworks for the July 4th fireworks season pursuant of Section 352.051 of the Texas Local Government Code.
F. Honorable Vance Hill, Sherriff- Consideration and possible approval of employee changes. (CJ)
G. Honorable Vance Hill, Sherriff- Consideration and possible approval to accept donations. (CJ)
H. Mike Schomer, Citizen- Consideration and possible approval of Clearlake Oaks Estates Subdivision on CR 134 HW 279. (Pct. 4)
I. Honorable Joel Kelton, Commissioner Pct. 2 – Consideration and possible approval of action regarding application to install Private Line on CR 405 by Zephyr Water Supply Corp.
J. Honorable Wayne Shaw, Commissioner Pct. 3- Consideration and possible approval of action regarding application to install Private Line on CR 334 by Zephyr Water Corp.
8. Consideration and approval of payment of any bills needed.
9. Commissioners’ Comments. (No action can be taken on anything during this information – only discussion)
10. Adjournment