Water Board Honors Ted Simpson, Elects Board Officers


Ted Simpson, a longtime member of the Board of Directors of the Brown County Water Improvement District #1, ended his run of nearly 34 years on Tuesday.  Simpson opted not to run for re-election this year.  For almost half of his time on the Board, sixteen years, Simpson served as Board President.  Current Board President Bert Massey lauded Simpson for his service to the Water District and presented him with a plaque.

Ted Simpson will be replaced on the Board by his son Brad Simpson, who was elected on May 7.  Bert Massey was also re-elected to the Board.  District General Counsel Bart Johnson Jr. administered the oath of office to both men. (shown below)

The Board then re-elected the same officers as the last term:  President Bert Massey, Vice-President James McMillian, and Secretary Jimmy Jones.  All committee assignments were re-appointed, with Brad Simpson taking the committee seats held by Ted Simpson.

In other business:

*** General Manager John Allen reported that Lake Brownwood is currently at level 1421.7 feet, or 3.4 feet below full.  That represents 84.6% of the lake capacity.

*** Allen reported that zebra mussels continue to be found in the lake in small clusters.  The engineering firm Freese and Nichols is working on a design to protect District pipelines and equipment from the mussels.  Allen expects that design work to be complete soon.