City of Brownwood to Seek $500,000 Downtown Revitalization Grant


The Brownwood City Council met Tuesday morning, May 10, and voted unanimously to approve an agreement with Public Management, Inc. for administrative services for the Community Development Block Grant – Downtown Revitalization Program / Main Street Project.

The City of Brownwood directly solicited RFPs for grant writing and project administrative services for an anticipated 2022 TxCDBG grant, from three administrative service providers. The City only received one proposal, Public Management, Inc., by the requested due date.

The City of Brownwood is seeking to be awarded the maximum grant amount of $500,000 for a Downtown Revitalization Program Grant from the Texas Community Development Block Grant program administered by the Texas Department of Agriculture.

The Community Development Block grant fund is for public infrastructure to eliminate deteriorated conditions and foster economic development in historic areas and rural downtown areas. Grant Administration services are paid out only if the grant is awarded to the City. Public Management, Inc (PMI) does not charge an application fee to assist the City submitting an application.

The application is due July 8 and awards are anticipated to be made in the fall of 2022 or early spring of 2023. Should the City of Brownwood be awarded the grant and be funded, Public Management’s contract amount will be approximately 10% of the maximum grant award or not to exceed $48,000.

The prospective project will identify a downtown corridor such as Fisk Avenue for reconstruction/installation of new sidewalks, curb cuts/ADA access, pavement repair, and other eligible infrastructure improvements. The expected local contribution for both administrative services and engineering services is not to exceed $75,000 which will be paid from local funds as part of the required grant match and will not be expensed before the 2022-23 fiscal year.