Brown County Water Board to Convene Tuesday Afternoon


The Board of Directors of Brown County Water Improvement District #1 will meet Tuesday, May 10, at 4:00 pm at the Water District Office, 501 East Baker. The agenda is below.

1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Invocation

4. Approval of Minutes: meeting(s) and/or workshop(s) held April 2022.
5. Approval of claims and accounts
6. Approval of investment and financial reports

7. Citizens Presentations: Any citizen desiring to address the Board of Directors regarding a matter not included on agenda may do so at this time. The Board of Directors may not deliberate on items presented under this agenda item. To comply with the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, the Board of Directors respectfully requests that prior to addressing the Board, each person submit a citizen’s presentation form located at the entrance lobby, stating your name, address and topic of presentation. All presentations are limited to five (5) minutes time limit.

8. Consider and approve A Resolution Canvassing the Returns of a Regular Election Held in the Brown County Water Improvement District No. 1, Brown County, Texas, May 7, 2022, Called and Held for the Purpose of Electing Two (2) Directors and Declaring the Results of Said Election.

9. District’s Legal Counsel shall administer Oath of Office to Directors elected at the May 7, 2022 Director Election.

10. Election of Board officers.
11. Announce committee assignments.
12. Date and time of board meetings.
13. Hear report from Bart Johnson Sr. and take necessary action regarding benchmarking District’s retirement plans;
14. Hear request from Vulcan Materials on purchasing raw water from the District;
15. Consider and take necessary action on a lake bore for a transmission line by Oncor between Kelli Lane and Hawk Lane, Lake Brownwood;
16. Update on Zebra Mussels found at Lake Brownwood.
17. Consider and take necessary action regarding the hiring of Merritt, McLane & Hamby, P.C., as auditor for the District’s 2021 /2022 fiscal year audit.
18. Consider and take necessary action regarding space 31 at McCartney Island, Lake Brownwood.

19. Hear report from District’s Department Heads regarding monthly activities.
20. Hear General Manager report regarding current events.
21. Adjournment.