Newbury Family Welcome Center Opens at HPU


The Dr. Don Newbury Family Welcome Center is officially open.  A large crowd numbering in the hundreds attended the ribbon cutting ceremony Thursday, May 5, 2022 at 2:00 pm.

“The goal of this project, this facility, is that it will be used by the Lord to draw students to our campus ultimately so their lives can be transformed so they can understand their purpose from a biblical view, so they can discover the words of Ephesians 2:10 mean to them,” Howard Payne President Dr. Cory Hines said during his remarks. “The words of the apostle Paul are so very true. ‘For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.’ Praise the Lord that the heartbeat of our board, the goal of our team, is to full commit to a student experience that helps those who come and study here understand who they are in Christ and how they can live a life that makes a Kingdom impact through their vocational calling.”

The facility is named for the family of Dr. Don Newbury, a 1961 graduate of HPU, president of the university from 1985 to 1997 and current chancellor. Newbury was one of three former HPU presidents on hand – along with Dr. Lanny Hall and Dr. Bill Ellis.

Hines spoke of delivering the news to Newbury at his Burleson home that the new welcome center would bare his name.

Dr. Leonard Underwood was among several people recognized by Hines, as Underwood was the first individual to make “the very first commitment and very first gift,” to a welcome center back in 2000. The executive conference room has within the new facility has been named the Underwood Conference Room in appreciation.

Along with serving as the new first impression of Howard Payne University for future students, the Newbury Family Welcome Center will house the Office of Admission and spaces for meetings and events.

Hines also announced Thursday that beginning May 16, renovations to the Academy of Freedom will commence.

(photos by Derrick Stuckly of