BROWNWOOD, TEXAS – Keep Texas Beautiful (KTB), a statewide grassroots environmental and community improvement non-profit organization, recently named Keep Brownwood Beautiful (KBB) a Silver Star Affiliate, a designation granted to only 28 of KTB’s nearly 300 affiliates. Silver Star recognition is the second-highest status any community affiliate can achieve.
To remain in good standing with KTB, community affiliates must submit a report, pay dues, attend training and participate in a KTB-endorsed activity annually. In 2004, the organization introduced the concept of Silver Star recognition to reward those communities who sought to go above and beyond the established requirements.
To achieve this Silver Star status, affiliates must share information on their mission and goals, answer questions about their partnerships and underserved populations, or participate in the Beautify Texas Awards or Governor’s Community Achievement Awards programs. KTB will formally recognize Silver Star communities during its 55th Annual Conference in June.
“Our affiliates are the backbone of our organization. We are proud to honor those going above and beyond to keep their communities clean and beautiful,” says Suzanne Kho, Executive Director of Keep Texas Beautiful. “Our Silver Star Affiliates are educating and engaging community members, actively recruiting and managing volunteers, hosting cleanup and beautification events throughout their community and so much more.”
In 2021 alone, KTB affiliates engaged 41,550 volunteers who contributed 190,094 hours to collect 3.25 million pounds of waste and recyclables from Texas roadways, trails, and waterways. Keep Brownwood Beautiful (KBB) successfully implemented programs to clean up litter, reduce and recycle waste, educate local citizens, and beautify and enhance the local community.
Keep Brownwood Beautiful (KBB) has created an annual Spring Splash event centered on keeping our Texas waterways clean as well as our monthly opportunities, the PopUp CleanUps and Neighbor to Neighbor program, for citizens to participate and take ownership of their local environment and its cleanliness as well as help a neighbor in need. Kbb has provided and repotted plants at our community centers during their remodeling and initiated a redesign at one of our mini-parks/green spaces, and we are looking forward to more.
About Keep Brownwood Beautiful
Keep Brownwood Beautiful (KBB) is a private 501(c)3 non-profit, our mission is to empower the citizens of Brownwood through education and participation to take responsibility for their community environment.
We offer volunteer opportunities and resources for a cleaner environment, beautification, and recycling. Email us at info@kbbtx.org Keep up with us on Facebook, Instagram, or our website: www.kbbtx.org
About Keep Texas Beautiful
Keep Texas Beautiful (KTB) is a non-profit organization dedicated to making Texas the best place to live, work, and play by deploying resources for community improvement projects, clean-ups, and youth engagement efforts across the state. Through our Keep Texas Recycling program, we provide assistance and education to support recycling in rural and underserved communities.
Everything we do is focused on mobilizing volunteers to take action by providing them with tools, resources, and training. Our fieldwork includes research on best practices for litter reduction along with the development of community programs to prevent the flow of litter to the Gulf.
Founded in 1967, Keep Texas Beautiful’s work is driven by its network of nearly 300 affiliate member communities, volunteers, and supporters that reach 17 million Texans annually. For more information and to find your closest affiliate, visit www.ktb.org. Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram.