The Texas Indigent Defense Commission provides financial and technical support to counties to develop and maintain quality, cost-effective indigent defense systems that meet the needs of local communities and the requirements of the Constitution and state law.
The Texas Indigent Defense Commission has awarded Brown County a formula grant in the amount of $36,617. The resolution was adopted by the Commissioners Court and submitted to receive these funds. The award will be disbursed through quarterly payments beginning in May of 2022.
Brown County Judge, Paul Lilly stated “Formula Grants have benefited all 254 Texas counties. Formula Grants are based on a county’s percentage of state population and percentage of state indigent defense expenditures, multiplied by TIDC’s budgeted amount for formula grants. Counties must meet minimum spending requirements and maintain a countywide indigent defense plan that complies with statutes and standards to qualify for Formula Grant funding.”
The Texas Legislature created the Texas Task Force on Indigent Defense in 2001 to remedy persistent deficiencies in Texas indigent defense Access to counsel, Quality of counsel, and Data collection.
In 2011, the Task Force became the Texas Indigent Defense Commission. TIDC is tasked with funding, overseeing, and improving public defense in each of Texas’s counties. TIDC is led by 13 Commission Members and 12 staff.
The Commission works together with counties to promote innovation and improvement in indigent defense systems statewide.
On behalf of the Commission, Sharon Keller, Chair – Texas Indigent Defense Commission, commends Brown County for its efforts in these areas.