Six Howard Payne University students were recently named 2022 Currie-Strickland Scholars. Students honored were Christian Barnett of Friendswood; Samuel Brown of May; Jadin Heriford of Georgetown; Jeremy Houston of Fredericksburg; Abigail Laubhan of Amarillo; and McKennah Randall of Lampasas. The award recipients were announced during HPU’s Servant Leadership Awards Chapel and honored at a luncheon following the service.
IN THE PHOTO: Currie-Strickland Scholars Jeremy Houston of Fredericksburg; Sam Brown of May; McKennah Randall of Lampasas; Abigail Laubhan of Amarillo; Jadin Heriford of Georgetown; and Christian Barnett of Friendswood.
“It is such a joy each year for our Christian Studies faculty to recognize some of our ministry students, based on the criteria of their personal character, academic achievement and service to the local church,” said Dr. Gary Gramling, dean of the School of Christian Studies, director of Christian studies graduate programs and professor of Christian studies. “At Howard Payne, we are grateful to God for faithfully sending us excellent students who sense His calling to a ministry vocation.”
Christian Barnett is a senior majoring in Christian education with an emphasis in ministry leadership. He is the youth pastor at Sunset Canyon Baptist Church in Dripping Springs.
Samuel Brown is a junior majoring in Bible. He currently serves as the worship leader at First Baptist Church Brownwood.
Jadin Heriford is a senior majoring in practical theology. He serves as the youth ministry intern at First Baptist Church Brownwood.
Jeremy Houston is a senior majoring in practical theology. He is the children and youth pastor at Mullin First Baptist Church.
Abigail Laubhan is a senior majoring in Christian education with an emphasis in ministry leadership. She is the children’s ministry coordinator at First Baptist Church Brownwood.
McKennah Randall is a senior majoring in youth ministry. She is the youth ministry intern at Early First Baptist Church.
The Currie-Strickland Distinguished Lectures in Christian Ethics series is made possible through the generosity of Dr. and Mrs. Gary Elliston and was established to honor the life of Dr. David R. Currie, retired executive director of Texas Baptists Committed; and the memory of Phil Strickland, who dedicated nearly 40 years of ministry to the Baptist General Convention of Texas’ Christian Life Commission.