Texas A&M Forest Service and Texas Intrastate Fire Mutual Aid System (TIFMAS) firefighters continued suppression operations on wildfires overnight. Good progress was made in increasing the containment on the Eastland Complex fires.
Active Fires:
– Eastland Complex, Eastland County – est. 54,015 acres, 30% contained.
The complex consists of 4 wildfires:
– Kidd Fire, Eastland County (42,333 acres, 25% contained);
– Oak Mott Fire, Brown/Comanche County (4,031 acres, 60% contained);
– Wheat Field Fire, Eastland County (7,268 acres, 40% contained);
– Walling Fire, Eastland County (383 acres, 100% contained).
– Crews Gap Fire, Coleman/Runnels County – est. 8,100 acres, 90% contained
Today, the forecast fire danger map highlights a broad area along and west of I-35 where there is very high to extreme potential for a wildfire to ignite, spread, and require suppression action.
Sunday’s fire environment will support moderate potential for new significant fires near Amarillo, Lubbock, Midland, San Angelo, Abilene, Childress, Wichita Falls, Mineral Wells, Lampasas, and Fredericksburg where critically to extremely dry fuel is exposed to elevated or critical fire weather.
(Photo courtesy Texas A&M Forest Service)