The Ranger Police Department has made an arrest connected to the structure fires in Ranger on Thursday, March 17, 2022.
According to the Ranger Police Department, upon further investigation it was determined that the origin of the fire started in the 400 block of South Marston and it spread from there. An individual was identified as the one who started the fire. Warrants were issued for the individual in question. On March 19th, 2022 Robert James was arrested for five counts of State Jail Felony Arson. The investigation is still on going, according to Ranger Police.
“The Ranger Police Department would like to say thank you to the Ranger Fire Department and surrounding departments that assisted for all their hard work in getting the fires put out. We also want to say thank you to all the people who donated food and water for all the First Responders on scene, and to those who assisted in helping put the fires out.”
(photo courtesy ktxs.com)