Sunday, March 30 – 7:42 pm – From the San Angelo National Weather Service
Attention Brown County residents! Here’s another Evacuation message issued by request from Brown County emergency management:
A fire is threatening lives and property in Brown County in the area from just north of Blanket, to May. The evacuation area extends from FM1467 near Blanket going north, and to the east of highway 183. The north end of the evacuation area extends from the town of May, east along FM 1689, to the Brown/
Comanche county border.
Be aware of the approaching fire which is spreading to the north, and avoid driving into areas where there is smoke.
An evacuation shelter is being set up at the following address:
First Methodist Church in Brownwood
2500 11th street
Sunday, March 20 – 7:40 pm – From the May Volunteer Fire Department
The Blanket Fire has now jumped 1467. The people of May are being advised to preparer to evacuate but also that it is be better to be safe than sorry so if you are able to evacuate now that would be best.
Sunday, March 20 – 7:28 pm
According to Brown County Emergency Manager Darrell Johnston – residents in the May, Texas area should be prepared to evacuate and continue monitoring the fire located between Blanket and May.
The fire has jumped FM 1467. The area affected is bounded by Highway 183 on the West and the Brown Comanche County line on the East.