Update on Active Fires Brown, Eastland, Coleman Counties

As of 10:15 pm Friday night, Texas A&M Forest Service and Texas Intrastate Fire Mutual Aid System (TIFMAS) provided the following update on area fires.
Active Fires:

Eastland Complex, Eastland County – est. 45,383 acres, 15% contained as a total complex (aerial photo)

The complex consists of 4 wildfires: Kidd Fire, Eastland County (est. 34,000, 15% contained)

Oak Mott Fire, Brown County (est. 6,000 acres, 50% contained)
Wheat Field Fire, Eastland County (est. 5,000 acres, 25% contained)
Walling Fire, Eastland County (383 acres, 100% contained)
Crews Gap Fire, Coleman/Runnels County – est. 7,500 acres, 80% contained
A type 3 helicopter approaches the Eastland Complex to drop water on hotspots on March 18, 2022. Photo courtesy of Stuart Morris/TAMFS.