Thursday there is a high potential for extreme fire behavior. According to Brown County Emergency Manager Darrell Johnston, the Texas A&M Forest Service is comparing the conditions to an extreme fire outbreak back in 2009 where there were numerous large, damaging wildfires.
Some of the activities to avoid would be :
Any type of outdoor burning , even in containers
Mowing pasture land with brush hogs or baling hay
“Our best defense for large fires is not get a fire started,” Johnston said.
Reminder that all of Brown County is currently under a BURN BAN until further notice. Below is the Red Flag Warning for Thursday from the San Angelo National Weather Service.
The National Weather Service in San Angelo has issued a Red Flag
Warning for critical fire weather conditions, which is in effect from noon to 9 pm CDT Thursday.
* WINDS…West 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 45 mph.
* RELATIVE HUMIDITY…As low as 9 percent.
* FUELS…Critically dry.
* IMPACTS…Any fires that develop will spread rapidly. Any outdoor activity that could produce flames or sparks is discouraged.