Brownwood Resident Celebrates 101st Birthday


Myd Graves turned 101 years young on Friday, March 11.  She celebrated with her family.  Tuesday, March 15, she celebrated again, with her church family.  Members of North Lake Community Church arranged a cake and other gifts and presented them to Myd at Oak Ridge Manor.  Still spunky and active, Myd said her name was given to her by her father and is short for My Darling.  She credits God for bringing her this far.

“I feel like I’m God’s miracle because it’s nothing I’ve done that’s brought me this far.  It is strictly God’s work.  I really feel like I’m his miracle,” Graves said.

“You are a miracle and you are a gift from Him to all of us at North Lake Community Church,” said Ron Keener, pastor of NLCC.

Myd has three children, including two in Brownwood, and one in California.  Besides Brownwood, she has also lived in Dallas, Fredericksburg and 35 years in Kerrville.

Members of North Lake Community Church are shown on Tuesday helping celebrate the 101st birthday of Myd Graves who resides at Oak Ridge Manor in Brownwood.