Brown County Commissioners voted Monday morning to appoint Jennifer Broughton to the position of Brown County Attorney effective April 1st.
It was announced that votes cast in the Republican Party Primary were canvassed last week showing Broughton with 5,292 votes. She ran unopposed and won’t face a Democratic opponent in November.
She said she is excited to make the transition to the position.
“I’m excited about it and glad to hear a start date. It’s been such a unique situation,” Broughton said. “I have a very busy private practice, so I was really wanting to hear a start date, a plan. I like to have things as planned out as possible. I’m glad to hear April 1st, I think that sounds great, just excited to get started and make this transition. I think it’s going to be good,” Broughton said.
Statute allows Broughton to continue private practice. “I will have a very small family law practice that I will continue. I do have a lot of open cases and existing clients right now that, of course, I’ll still be taking care of. It is going to be, definitely, a transition and I wanted that to happen,” Broughton said, adding she is glad to be able to transition to public service.
Commissioners went into Executive Session from 9:36 am to 10:16 am to discuss personnel issues related to the county attorney position but took no action once back in open session.