Repairs Approved for Wiggins Pool


The Brownwood City Council on Monday approved a contract for Rehabilitation and Repair of Wiggins Pool to Commercial Swim Management in the amount of $164,128.43. The first part of the process, however, regards leak detection and if there is a discovery of damages in excess of $15,000 to repair, the contract will be terminated.

A decision had to be made Monday after the matter was brought before the City Council on two other occasions as the 45-day window for the bid expired later this week. The project will take approximately one month to complete.

The City budgeted $150,000 for pool repairs in the Parks budget, along with an additional $20,000 for improvements at Wiggins Park. The $20,000 will now be paired with the $150,000 for the rehabilitation.

In other business:

The City Council also authorized the City Manager to sign an agreement between the City of Brownwood and the National Association of County and City Health Officials for $10,000 to build the capacity of the local Medical Reserve Corps  beginning upon signing of the agreement through September 29, 2022.