KOXE/KBWD Cherry Pie Auction Set for March 19


When Spring rolls around, thoughts turn to spending more time outdoors, perhaps watching boys and girls participate in youth sports programs.

The KOXE/KBWD Cherry Pie Auction, started in 1977 by Dallas Huston and Bill Jamar, as a way to raise money to support youth baseball and softball leagues in Brown County.

The tradition continues on Saturday, March 19, from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm at the Adams Street Community Center.   The Cherry Pie Auction benefits kids who participate in Brownwood Freshman League Baseball, the Brownwood Girls Softball Association, Cen-Tex Soccer, and Soccer for Fun.  More than 1,500 boys and girls participate, and every penny raised goes directly to those youth sports programs.

Contact the Adams Street Community Center at 325-646-0146 or KOXE at 325-646-3505 to make a contribution, whether it’s an item to be auctioned or a monetary donation.

As in years past, items up for bid will include pies, cakes, and additional baked goods, as well as sports memorabilia and goods and services provided by area businesses.