National Weather Service to Conduct Tornado Drill Wednesday, Feb. 23


February 20-26 is Severe Weather Awareness week in Texas.  The National Weather Service (NWS) encourages all residents, businesses and schools across West Central Texas to practice your tornado drill on Wednesday, February 23 at 10:00 AM or at a time/date that is convenient for you.

The NWS in San Angelo will transmit a Routine Weekly Test Message through the Emergency Alert System (EAS) on that day/time. Because of the test message format, it may or may not activate certain NOAA Weather Radios.

A tornado warning test message will be transmitted to the following counties:

Throckmorton, Haskell, Fisher, Jones, Shackelford, Nolan, Taylor, Callahan, Sterling, Coke, Runnels, Coleman, Brown, Irion, Tom Green, Concho, McCulloch, San Saba, Crockett, Schleicher, Menard, Sutton, Kimble, and Mason counties.

For more information, contact Amy Campbell (Meteorologist-in-Charge) at or Stephen Harrison (Science and Operations Officer) at or call us at 325-944-9445.