On Monday night, February 14, the City of Bangs City Council gave unanimous approval for Bangs First Baptist Church to use fireworks in hopes of controlling a buzzard problem.
“The buzzards are back. The other morning I counted 28. They were doing their thing all over the property, the children’s playground equipment. Last year I got the approval from the council to set off fireworks. They say they make things disappear and they do for a little while … about 9-10 months, then it seems like every spring they want to come back,” said Councilman and Mayor Pro-Tem Greggory Cassady, on behalf of the church.
The City of Bangs has an ordinance against the use of fireworks in the city limits which had to be waived to allow the process to take place.
The church is to notify Bangs Police and City Hall 10 minutes before fireworks are ignited. Cassady said the fireworks will be used twice a day, morning and “right before they roost.”