Early City Council Schedules Tuesday Night Meeting


The City of Early City Council will meet Tuesday, February 8, at 6:00 pm at City Hall, 960 Early Blvd to act on the following agenda.

A. Call to order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance
B. Consideration of the minutes for regular meeting held on January 11, 2022.
C. Citizen’s comments

E. Matters of New Business

1. Consider approving Resolution 2022-R02, ordering an election to be held May 7, 2022 to elect three (3) Council members and providing details relating to the holding of such election.
2. Consider approval of Resolution 2022-R03, authorizing continued participation with the Steering Committee of cities served by Atmos Energy Corporation, and authorizing payment to fund regulatory and related activities related to Atmos Energy Corporation.
3. Consider approval of Resolution 2022-R04, authorizing continued participation with the Steering Committee of cities served by ONCOR, and authorizing payment to fund regulatory and related activities related to ONCOR.
4. Consideration to approve Resolution 2022-R05, entering into agreement with MVBA, LLC and to impose additional fee for the collection of delinquent utility accounts.
5. Consider approval to solicit Request for Proposals for the Crescent neighborhood Sewerline rehab, a Texas Water Development Board project.

F. Executive Session in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 551, Texas Government

1. Section 551.086 Economic Development, municipal development grant application.
2. Section 551.071 Consultation with Attorney, Memorandum of Understanding with City of Brownwood regarding land use.

G. Reconvene into Open Session and consider action, if any, on items discussed in executive session.

Economic Development Municipal Development grant application, Resolution 2022-EDR03, from Laserwash of Early.

H. Department Reports:

1. Racial Profile Report
2. Police Department – Fiscal year 1st Quarter Report
3. Fire Department – Fiscal year 1st Quarter Report
4. Finance Department – Fiscal year 1st Quarter Report

I. Administrator’s Report
J. Announcements

1. Candidate application filing period for City Council deadline 5PM February 18th.