School Board Extends Superintendent Contract


In session Monday night, January 10, the Board of Trustees of Brownwood ISD voted to extend the contract of Superintendent Dr. Joe Young through January 11, 2027.

“We have given him a five year contract since his third year here,” said Michael Cloy, school board president.  “There were minimal changes, we did give him a salary increase.  We have the utmost confidence in Dr. Young.  We feel like he’s taken Brownwood ISD to some great advances and I think he’s going to continue to do so.  He’s a kind individual and a very caring man.  He really cares about teachers and he cares about the students tremendously.  We feel he will continue to lead us extremely effectively,” Cloy said.

In other business, the school board received an update on student enrollment which was 3,450 following the Christmas break, up 14 from the Fall Semester.  There are also 232 student transfers into the BISD.