Early Police to Increase Patrols for Drunk Drivers


The Early Police Department will increase patrols through the holiday period to stop drunk drivers.

As a part of the Texas Department of Transportation “Drive Sober No Regrets” campaign for the holidays, The Early Police Department and law enforcement officers across Texas will increase DWI patrols to identify and stop impaired drivers.

The campaign aims to decrease crashes and save lives by reminding drivers how one bad choice-the decision to get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol-can have serious physical, emotional and financial consequences that can last for years.

Last year in Texas there were 2462 alcohol related traffic crashes from December 1 to January 1. Those crashes killed 93 people and injured another 215.

Instead of getting behind the wheel if you’ve been drinking, here are some other options – get a designated driver, call a sober friend, call a cab, or stay with a friend.

We want everyone to have a safe and Merry Christmas. BE SAFE