Brookesmith ISD Facilities Review Committee to Meet Dec. 8


(contributed by Bob Contreras with Brookesmith ISD)

Brookesmith Independent School District, it just keeps getting better.

Superintendent Steve Mickelson has a clear vision for Brookesmith: Academic excellence; Quality instruction; Increased dual-credit and vocational opportunities; Campus expansion; and, safer venues for kids in which to excel. That vision is now on the verge of realization.

Brookesmith ISD has prospered in the areas of enrollment, academics and finance. The district is doing well, where do we go from here? What do we need? What does the future hold?

How can we serve our students better?

That’s the task of the Brookesmith Facilities Review Committee. This group of 28 people first met on Wednesday, November 3, 2021. Their next meeting is at 5:30 on December 8, 2021 in the school library. It is vital that any interested Brookesmith resident, tax payer or registered voter attend. Don’t let decisions be made without your input!

At its next meeting, the Facilities Review Committee will do their best to come to a determination of the district’s needs. If you think district students need something that they don’t have, come and make whatever it is known!

Thus far, suggestions include new HVAC units, windows in the high school, new school busses, technology and a sports facility, including a track for kids to run on safely and a new football field.

Brookesmith ISD needs its citizens to take note and get involved! Wednesday, December 8, 2021. School library at 5:30 pm. Be there!