Brown Co. Judge Dr. Paul Lilly Announces Re-election Bid


Brown County Judge, Dr. Paul Lilly, announced Monday afternoon that he intends to run for re-election.  His statement is below.

I have learned that during those times in my life when I found myself lost, it was because I substituted my will for the path it was very clear God wanted me to take. Fortunately, with age comes wisdom and lessons learned. It has been the honor of my life to have served as your County Judge. Together we have faced and are overcoming this awful virus/pandemic as well as surviving one of the worst winter storms on record. By working together, we have not only survived, but we’ve come through these trials even stronger and more united than ever before. With that being said, there is still a great deal of work to be done.

I have come to realize that I am exactly where God needs me to be. Therefore, it is my honor to announce that I will be seeking another term as your Brown County Judge. Over the past four years I have worked hard to protect your liberties and freedoms, and it would be my honor to serve you another four years. I am one of your elected representatives and we must never forget that WE WORK FOR YOU! By working together there is nothing that we cannot overcome. Now is a time when we as Texans need to be united like never before.

Always at your service,

Paul D. Lilly
Brown County Judge