During the Brownwood/Stephenville football game this Friday, November 5th , Brownwood FCA is challenging Stephenville FCA in a friendly fund raising competition.
Each school will raise money through fan donations during the first half of the game. Fans can donate inside the gate at the game, or anytime during the week of the game. All proceeds will go to the Huddle for each school with ½ going to the school’s camp fund, and ½ going to the school’s huddle to pay for snacks and other thing needed throughout the year. It’s a friendly competition showing schools can be rivals on the field but united in Christ.
Brownwood Area FCA Representative, Kurt Newton said, “This is the seventh year we have done the fund raiser. It’s fun for both schools and our local huddles really benefit financially from it. Brownwood High School meets on Monday evening. With athletes getting out of practice and coming straight to FCA, this gives us funds to feed them. The funds also go to help send kids to summer camps.”
Both teams will meet on the field after the game to pray and the winner will be awarded the traveling plaque signifying victory for this year’s event.