The City of Coleman has contracted with a private company to provide an environmentally friendly way to clear difficult to manage drainage areas throughout the city. Rent-A-Ruminant, of Rising Star, Texas, provides a managed goat herd that efficiently clears vegetation from drainage ditches. Rent-A-Ruminant has previously been utilized by many municipalities across the area and has been utilized for dam maintenance at Lake Coleman.
According to a City of Coleman news release, Rent-A-Ruminant will set up temporary fencing in specified areas to be cleared, which serves to contain the animals and protect them from outside interference. Rent-A-Ruminant will provide round-the-clock supervision of the animals and assure minimal impact to private property in the area.
Areas to be cleared include:
1) the drainage ditch beginning behind the 1800 block of Commercial Avenue, across Colorado Street to East 10th Street;
2) from the intersection of W. 1st Street and Concho to the East, North to Mesquite, and East to Colorado Street; and
3) from the 400 block of E. 4th Street running North beside Mills Park and continuing North to intersection of Hords Creek near Mesquite Street.
Residents are welcome to visit with the staff and observe the goats as they work their way through the drainage areas.