Brown County Commissioners will meet Monday, October 4, at 9:00 am in the Brown County Courthouse. The agenda is below.
1. Declare a Quorum and Call Meeting to Order
2. Prayer-
3. Recognition of Special Guests and Presentations.
4. Citizen Comments (All speakers will be required to adhere to the rules of procedure, conduct and decorum adopted by the Court on August 12, 2019. Any disruptive, abusive, obscene, or disrespectful behavior will be terminated immediately.)
5. Consideration and approval of the agenda minutes from the September 20, 2021 meeting.
6. Consideration and approval of any Treasurer’s/Auditor’s Report.
7. Consideration and approval of payment of any bills needed.
8. Consideration and approval of all appropriate action regarding the following:
A. Joel Kelton, Commissioner Pct. 2 – Consideration and possible approval of action regarding burn ban;
B. Lisa Dick, Administrator- Brownwood/Brown County Health Department- Update on COVID 19 response and County health initiatives. (Pct.2)
C. Vance Hill, Sheriff, Consideration and possible approval of action regarding 2022 Sheriffs fees and the Constables fees.
D. Vance Hill, Sherriff, Consideration and possible approval oflnterlocal Agreement to house prisoners between Brown County and Hood County.
E. Vance Hill, Sherriff, Consideration and possible approval of employee recruitment bonus.
F. Vance Hill, Sherriff, Discussion and consideration and possible approval of sponsoring jailers in the Law Enforcement Academy.
G. Vance Hill, Sherriff, Consideration and possible approval oflnterlocal Agreement to house prisoners between Brown County and Hamilton County.
H. Hon. Mike Smith, District Judge- Technology Committee discussion and consideration and possible approval of new county wide software. (CJ)
I. Scott Anderson, Texas A&M AGRILIFE Extension County Agent Consideration and possible approval of action regarding declaring October 4th to October 8th National 4-H Week.
J. Hon. Paul Lilly, County Judge- Consideration and possible approval of employee changes for the Office of Grants and Governmental Affairs Coordinator.
K. Joel Kelton, Commissioner Pct. 2 – Consideration and possible approval of action regarding Bayou Estates Phase One Plat.
L. Joel Kelton, Commissioner Pct. 2 – Consideration and possible approval of action regarding redistribution of the Unclaimed Capital Credits.
M. Darrell Johnston, Emergency Manager Coordinator- Consideration and possible approval of action regarding for the replacement of a portable radio issued to the Lake Brownwood Bridge Volunteer Fire Department that was lost during an Emergency Response at Lake Brownwood. (CJ)
N. Angie Dees, Senior Citizens Program Director- Consideration and possible approval of adopting and signing a Resolution Authorizing County Grant Program Year 2022 for The Texas Feeding Texans Home Delivered Meals Grant Program.
O. Larry Traweek, Commissioner Pct. 4- Consideration and possible approval of Waiver and Resolution for Federal Off System Bridge Program, CR 146
9. Commissioners Comments. (No action can be taken on anything during this information-only discussion)
10. Adjournment